
Showing posts from February, 2023

Reflection 2/28/23

 Today was an iteresting day in second period. We had a discussion about weather it was morally right to kill at war as a soilder. I agreed that it was moraly right. We read a story about a soilder who was at war and killed a soilder who wasnt paying attention. We later had a class dicsussion about the same topic and after that ws the end of class.

Reflection 2/27/23

 Mr reese wasnt here so we didnt learn anything. We just did vocabulary and sentences. In all honesty i dont remeber the vocabulary i just write them down and answer the questions. The substitute wasnt here for too long she just took the role and left. Other than that nothing much hapopened in 2nd period.

Reflection 2/24/23

 I think Mr reese should give us a free day. I think this because this week has been nothing but tests and quizes. Everbody has the same classes just not with each other so whatever i do in 3rd period someone else does in 4th period. Also today is friday and its already 10:30 teaching would be a waste of time because everyone would not be focus. They would either be watching the clock waiting to go to lunch or count the hours left to start thier weekend. So I thinks its better to give a free day and we make up whatever we missed for the 2 days we did no work.

Reflection 2/23/23

 Today we didnt do anything because we had a program. It was hot outside and my legs hurted from standing up that long but it was fun.

Reflection 2/22/23

 Today we presented our presentations in Mr. Reese class. They were on black owned busnisses. Right after that we took notes on a document.

Reflection 2/21/23

 Today i didint do much. We had book work and had to write vocabulary. 

Reflection 2/16/23

 Today we learnt about offensive words and that when we use them they might not be offensive but when other people use it thats different. We also took notes on Characterization and different ways how writers introduce characters in different ways. We read a peom by Countee Cullen adn wrote a narrative about it.

Reflection 2/15/23

 I am sick so i will not be attending school.

Reflection 2/14/23

 Today in 2nd period there was a new teacher that came into our class. She said she practicing to be a teacher and she was planing to be a 11th grade teacher. We learnt about maya angelo and we read one of her peoms. We also wrote down what we wanted to be on a red heart.

Reflection 2/13/23

 Today my first period teacher wasnt here. I had to walk around the w#hallway to find my class. In third period we took notes and did some questions on it. In 4th period we are getting ready for a test on thursday.

Reflection 2/10/23

 Today we didint do nothing in 1st period but watch a movie. In second period we took a benchmarch so we also didint do much in there. In third period we took notes and did some questions about it. Later though I have to stay after school to make up my test

Reflection 2/9/23

The day so far has been going good. I ate breakfast before i left so im not that hungry but i also brought chips.  Second period was really boring today. I caught myself falling asleep so many times but i tried my best to stay focused tho. In third period I have some homework to turn in.

Reflrection 2/8/23

 Today was just like yesterday. I didnt bring anything to eat so im gonna be hungry today unless somebody is selling something. In third period were gonna take notes just like we do every other day. Overall today was pretty boring and I think thats how its gonna be tommorow

Reflection 2/7/23

 Today we didnt do much. In first period we took notes and leaernt more about business. I forgot my food today so im gonna be hungry all day. In third period were gonna take notes too and problaly a quiz.

One pager


Reflection 2/6/23

 Today was a good day. I go tall my work done and turned it in. Im planing to take my test tommorow after school because i wasnt here when the did it. Other than that today in mr rease class we wrote down voabulary and i colored my project.

Reflection 2/3

 Today we worked more on our one pager. Mr. rease said we cant draw stick figures so im kinda nervous because i cant draw. Im going to do the drawing when i get home and watch a youtube toturial. I did the rough draft so the only thing thats left is to just draw it.

Reflection 2/2/23

 Today in Mr. Reese class we learnt about a onepager. Im suppose to do a one pager on my peom. I worked with my group mates and we ended up finding some themes of the peom. I cant remeber the name of the peom because i already put itg on my bag and im too lazy to take it out.

Reflection 2/1/23

 Today we didnt do much. I was mostly worried about math class so i didnt really focus about the others. I also  took notes in my 3rd period and didnt eat any lunch. I went home hungry because the school luch isnt the best.