
Showing posts from March, 2023

Reflection 3/31/23

 I was not here

Reflection 3/30/23

 Today we didnt do anything in first period. We watched a movie in there but did no work. I cant remeber what we did in second period because it was really boring. I almost fell asleep in there. In Third period we do the same thing we do everyday and fourth was horrible. 

Reflection 3/29/23

 Today we did vocabulary in 1st period. We also had a talk with our teacher because she said she woukdnt be here when we came back from spring break. In second period we read a peom and answer some question about it. The peom i cant remeber what we read about

Reflection 3/28/23

 Today we didnt do much. In 1st period we worked on ou project. I also caught up with some of my work for 4th period in 1st period. After that i went to seond period we did the usual. In third period we took notes and did a quiz right after that now its time for me to go in 4th period

Reflection 3/27/23

Today we read a peom. We had to do some questions on it on our computer. The peom was really short and was about acrobats. I ended up going all the way to question 3 but Mr Reese said we can finish the rest tomorrow 

Reflection 3/24/23

 Today we turned in the project we did yesterday. We also did a test on fences, the book we been reading last week. I think i did really good. I dont think i did too good on the writing portion of the test tho. I went up and he sent me back but took it the second time. Other than the writing portion im confident I passed the multiple choice section. I took the math test yesteday and i dont think i did good i guessed almost everything on that test.

Reflection 2/23/23

 Today we did a project on fenecs characters. We had different ways we could do it. We could make a presentation on there dating service or make a resume. There were more options but i dont remeber the rest all i know is that i picked the resume. I had to make fake adresses and numbers to make it look like a real resume to get credit. I finished today so im just going to turn it in tommorow.

Reflection 3/22/23

Today I cant really remeber what we did today. Im doing my reflection really late because today was a exhausting day of school. We didnt do much in Mr. Reese class other than vocabulary. In fourth period we went over a lot of materials because we are taking a big test tommorow. Other than that no much happened today.

Reflection 3/21/23

 Today we finished the movie fences. We also finished our work from yesterday aswell. The movie really made me emotional and I could feel it throug the screen. The plot was accurate and the acting was perfect. The actors should get some sort of reward for there performance.

Reflection 3/20/23

Today we started the movie fences. It has denzel washington in it so i already knew it was going to be a good movie. I liked the movie it shows all the emotions portayed in the book. We also finished the worksheet we were doing on friday while the movie played.

REflection 3/17/23

 Today we finished the book fences. We later did a worksheet on the book. Mr reese helped us and we did that the whole class. I didnt really like the ending, I wished troy got to say some last words and not die in a timeskip

Reflection 2/16/23

 Today we continued reading the book fences. I could tell that I missed a lot because I had no idea what was going on. Troy did end p cheating on rose and had a baby with her. The girl that troy had the baby with died giving birth to the child. Apparently Mr. Reese gave a worksheet yesterday and it was due today. Since I wasn't here he gave me until tomorrow to do it.

Reflection 2/15/23

 I didnt come to school today.

Reflection 2/14/23

 We did the same thing we did yesterday. I had to be the narrator this time which was bad. My trout was scratching me the whole day so I couldn't raise my voice load enough. Other than that I couldn't I think I did a good job as the narrator. We read the book the whole period.

Reflection 8/13/23

 Today in Mr. Reese class we started reading a book called fences. Well its not really a book its a play that's written out in a book. He showed us a short clip of a movie they made about it. At first I wanted to watch the movie when I went home but I would spoil it for myself and wouldn't get to experience it with the class

Reflection 3/10/23

 Im doing my reflection late again. I cant remember what we did in Mr. Reese class, its not that I didn't learn anything its that his class is something you don't remember until you see it. In 1st period we didn't do anything . Fourth period we had a quiz and I didn't understand a thing on there. Today was a really exhausting day.

Reflection 3/9/23

 To be honest I cant remember what we did in Mr. Reese class today so I'm just gonna talk about my day. In first period we had another project we had to present in front of the class. That class is really building up my confidence in presenting in front of other people. In third period we took a quiz and right after that.

REflection 2/8/23

 I was not at school.

Reflection 3/7/23

 Today we reasd the peom birches by robert frost. It was about a man going through a rough time and reminiscing about his childhood. This peom reminded me that i should value the little time I have with no responsibility. We did a annotation sheet on the poem. Other than that we did nothing else.

Reflection 3/6/23

 Today we read a Out and Out by robert frost. This peom was about a boy doing the work his parents asked him to do. While he was doing the work he cut his hand off with the saw. We did questions about it and had some discussions. Some disscussions were what have your parents made you do that a kid shouldnt. Other than that i was really tired today and it was really ahrd to stay awake.

Reflection 3/3/23

 Today we presented our project. My job was to tell the key things that happened in the story. My other groupmates job was to draw a key event in the story. We did good and ended up getting a 98 on the project. After that we did vocabulary for the rest of the period

Reflection 3/2/23

 Today we decided our project order. I didnt finih mines so she made our group go tommoraw. I finished my project but it took me a while. Watching the other groups present i gain more confidence that i would get a good grade. Other than that the day was really boring.

Refliction 3/1/23

 Today we did our a group project. My job is to capture key details in the story. My other groups mates have thier roles. I had to re read the story and i reliezed that i miss a lot of things. I didnt get to finish my project so ill finish it tomarow